
JKA Karate-do Rank Exam Guide

For Rank Kata Kihon Kumite
Hachi Kyu
(8th kyu)
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Heian Shodan
(Heian No.1)
  1. 6 oi-tsuki
  2. 3 age-uke
  3. 3 gedan-barai
  4. 3 soto-ude-uke
  5. 3 shuto-uke (B)
  6. 6 mae-geri
  7. 3 yoko-keage-geri, R and L, in Kiba-dachi (K)
  8. 3 yoko-kekomi-geri, R and L (K)
One step sparring: oi-tsuki, 1J, 1C
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration and basic external actions.
Shichi Kyu
(7th kyu)
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Heian Nidan
(Heian No.2)
  1. 6 oi-tsuki
  2. 3 age-uke / gyaku-tsuki
  3. 3 gedan-barai / gyaku-tsuki
  4. 3 soto-ude-uke / gyaku-tsuki
  5. 3 shuto-uke (B)
  6. 3 mae-geri
  7. 3 mawashi-geri
  8. 3 yoko-keage-geri, R and L, (K)
  9. 3 yoko-kekomi-geri, R and L (K)
Kihon ippon kumite: oi-tsuki 1J, 1C
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration, stance, posture and external actions.
Roku Kyu
(6th kyu)
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Heian Sandan
(Heian No.3)
  1. 6 san-bon-tsuki
  2. 3 age-uke / gyaku-tsuki
  3. 3 gedan-barai / gyaku-tsuki
  4. 3 soto-ude-uke / empi (K)
  5. 3 3 shuto-uke (B)/ nukite (F)
  6. 3 ren-geri
  7. 3 mawashi-ren-geri
  8. 3 yoko-keage-geri, R and L, (K)
  9. 3 yoko-kekomi-geri, R and L (K)
  10. 3 mae-geri / oi-tsuki
Kihon ippon kumite: oi-tsuki 1J, 1C, mae-geri 1C
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration, stance, posture, timing, distance and external actions.
Go Kyu
(5th kyu)
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Heian Yondan
(Heian No.4)
  1. 6 san-bon-tsuki
  2. 3 age-uke / gyaku-tsuki
  3. 3 gedan-barai / gyaku-tsuki
  4. 3 soto-ude-uke / empi (K)
  5. 3 shuto-uke (B) / kizami-maegeri (B) / nukite (F)
  6. 3 ren-geri
  7. 3 mawashi-ren-geri
  8. 3 yoko-keage-geri, R and L, (K)
  9. 3 yoko-kekomi-geri, R and L (K)
  10. 3 R-maegeri / L-mawashigeri / R-gyaku-tsuki
Kihon ippon kumite: oi-tsuki 1J, 1C, mae-geri 1C
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration, stance, posture, timing, distance, accelaration, kiai and external actions.
Yon Kyu
(4th kyu)
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Heian Godan
(Heian No.5)
  1. 6 san-bon-tsuki
  2. 3 age-uke / gyaku-tsuki
  3. 3 gedan-barai / gyaku-tsuki
  4. 3 soto-ude-uke / empi / tate-uraken (K)
  5. 3 shuto-uke (B) / kizami-maegeri (B) / nukite (F)
  6. 3 ren-geri
  7. 3 mawashi-ren-geri
  8. 3 yoko-keage-geri, R and L, (K)
  9. 3 yoko-kekomi-geri, R and L (K)
  10. 3 R-maegeri / L-yoko-kekomigeri / R-gyaku-tsuki
Kihon ippon kumite: oi-tsuki 1J, 1C, mae-geri 1C, yoko-kekomi-geri 1C
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration, stance, posture, timing, distance, accelaration, kiai, speed, breathing and external actions.
San Kyu
(3rd kyu)
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Tekki Shodan
(Tekki No.1)
  1. 6 san-bon-tsuki
  2. 3 age-uke / gyaku-tsuki
  3. 3 gedan-barai / gyaku-tsuki
  4. 3 soto-ude-uke / empi / tate-uraken (K)
  5. 3 shuto-uke (B) / kizami-mae-geri (B) / nukite (F)
  6. 3 uchi-ude-uke / gyaku-tsuki
  7. 3 C-L-kizami-mae-geri / J-R-mae-geri
  8. 3 C-L-kizami-mawashi-geri / J-R-mawashi-geri
  9. 3 yoko-keage-geri, R and L, (K)
  10. 3 yoko-kekomi-geri, R and L (K)
  11. 3 R-yoko-kekomi-geri / L-mawashi-geri / R-gyaku-tsuki
  12. 3 R-mawashi-geri / L-yoko-kekomi-geri / R-gyaku-tsuki
  13. 3 R-mae-geri / R-yoko-kekomi-geri to side (stationary)
  14. 3 L-mae-geri / L-yoko-kekomi-geri to side (stationary)
Kihon ippon kumite: oi-tsuki 1J, 1C, mae-geri 1C, yoko-kekomi-geri 1C, ushiro-geri 1C
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration, stance, posture, timing, distance, accelaration, kiai, speed, breathing and external actions.
Ni Kyu
(2nd kyu)
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One of the following:
Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Empi, Jion
Same as 3rd kyu Same as 3rd kyu
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration, stance, posture, timing, distance, accelaration, kiai, speed, breathing, feeling settled down and external actions.
Ik Kyu
(1st kyu)
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Same as 2nd kyu Same as 2nd kyu, except for No.13 and 14 do:
3 stationary R-mae-geri / R-yoko-keage-geri to the side / R-yoko-kekomi-geri to the side
3 stationary L-mae-geri / L-yoko-keage-geri to the side / L-yoko-kekomi-geri to the side
Same as 2nd kyu
CONSIDERATIONS: Same as 2nd kyu.
(1st dan)
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One of the four kata for 1st kyu (of your choice) and one of the six basic kata (by the examiner's choice)
  1. 3 san-bon-tsuki
  2. 3 age-uke / kizami-mae-geri / gyaku-tsuki
  3. 3 soto-ude-uke / yoko-empi / tate-uraken-uchi / gyaku-tsuki
  4. 3 shuto-uke (B) / kizami-mae-geri (B) / nukite (F)
  5. 3 uchi-ude-uke / {kizami-tsukikizami-mae-geri} / gyaku-tsuki
  6. 3 C-L-kizami-mae-geri / J-R-mae-geri
  7. 3 C-L-kizami-mawashi-geri / J-R-mawashi-geri
  8. 3 yoko-keage-geri, R and L, (K)
  9. 3 yoko-kekomi-geri, R and L (K)
  10. 3 L-kizami-kekomi-geri / R-mawashi-geri / L-gyaku-tsuki
  11. 3 L-kizami-mawashi-geri / L-kizami-kekomi-geri / R-oi-tsuki
  12. 3 stationary R-mae-geri / R-yoko-keage-geri to side / R-yoko-kekomi-geri to side / R-mawashi-geri to front
  13. 3 stationary L-mae-geri / L-yoko-keage-geri to side / L-yoko-kekomi-geri to side / L-mawashi-geri to front
  14. Control test (3 dimensional pencil test, or flame test)
Jiyu ippon kumite: oi-tsuki 1J, 1C, mae-geri 1C, yoko-kekomi-geri 1C, ushiro-geri 1C
CONSIDERATIONS: Eye direction, concentration, stance, posture, timing, distance, accelaration, kiai, speed, breathing, feeling settled down and external actions.
(2nd dan)
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One kata of your choice from the following 9:
  • Bassai Dai
  • Jion
  • Empi
  • Kanku Dai
  • Hangetsu
  • Jitte
  • Gankaku
  • Tekki Nidan
  • Tekki Sandan
and one of Bassai Dai, Jion, Empi or Kanku Dai (by the examiner's choice)
  1. 3 kizami-tsuki / mae-geri / oi-tsuki / zan-shin
  2. 3 yoko-keage-geri (K) / yoko-kekomi-geri (K)
  3. 3 kizami-tsuki / ushiro-geri / yoko-uraken-uchi / gyaku-tsuki / zan-shin
  4. 3 age-uke / mawashi-geri / yoko-uraken-uchi / oi-tsuki / zan-shin
  5. 3 stationary mae-geri / yoko-keage-geri / yoko-kekomi-geri / mawashi-geri / ushiro-geri
Free sparring (jiyu kumite) - defending, atacking, and regular ring and one of the following:
  • defense against weapon
  • defense from sitting position
  • defense against grabbing and holding attack
(3rd dan)
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One kata of your choice from the following 9:
  • Bassai Dai
  • Jion
  • Empi
  • Kanku Dai
  • Hangetsu
  • Jitte
  • Gankaku
  • Tekki Nidan
  • Tekki Sandan
and one of the 15 kata (by the examiner's choice)

  • Jiyu kumite against another examinee
  • Jiyu kumite against a Sho-dan or lower level
  • Defense against attack exclusively selected by examiner


underlined - Execute backwards
C - Chudan
J - Jodan
B - Back stance (Kokutsu dachi)
K - Kiba dachi
F - Front stance (Zenkutsu dachi)
L - Left
R - Right